A downloadable game

A silly RPG with a weird and funny story.

What is Ruined? Ruined is a RPG with a modern setting in wich you’ll visit an alternative version of the earth, where magic is a normal day-to-day thing and ridiculous stuff happens to the people.

Spoiler free synopsis Max, a normal guy from Palmer city is out of burguers and heads on a mission to buy more. But, it all goes wrong and he ends up travelling trought the world to find the leader of a worldwhide mafious group that meneaces with putting the world’s economy at risk.

(The video shown at the right is a lil' bit older, so it doesn't showcase the correct camera zoom or the newer battle mechanics)


He’s your normal day-to-day dude with magic powers. He has two PhDs and has a normal life on the enormous capital of the U.S.A.

Currently a worldwhide “Criminal” that did nothing bad. He lives in Mexico.

He’s a hyperactive policeman from Rusia that comes across the rest of the group while looking for Bob. I don’t wanna spoil too much of him.

Black is part of the royal guard of  India. He’s actually south American, but lives there. Features

  • A storyline where you play as the different characters until they meet like in mother 2. (it will have small segments like the one with Poo)
  • A simple turn based battle system
  • *Ridiculous boss fights, like the manager of a mall or a mad PE professor that was turned into a supersoldier.
  • The player would be able to visit the various parts of the world (a city in most of the relevant countries to the story) Content The game ocurrs in the world that we talked about before. The capitals of the countries you visit are completly new. You will fight only humanoid enemies, no rats, bats, etc.


Ruined.rar 262 MB

Install instructions

The downloadable file is a demo. Check 

https://forum.starmen.net/forum/Fan/Games/Maurice-Quest-Reborn/page/1/ for updates on the game and more demos.

Download the file, then extarct the files in a folder with a proggram like win-rar (https://www.win-rar.com/download.html) then open the game.exe file to play.

Development log